lights at night
April 28, 2019

April has been my busiest month since Gift of the Shaper launched, and that is saying a lot. But after all was said and done, it was exhausting but amazing. I couldn’t be happier. Let’s get into exactly why I’ve just about had enough of commercial flights and hotels. HeartThreads presents… More people have seen…

the wastes
March 24, 2018

Previously, on Gift of the Shaper If you’ve been following my Facebook posts, you’ll know that I started doing a YouTube series for readings from Gift of the Shaper. It’s my latest attempt to try and add more dimensions to the book by giving you access to my thoughts behind characters and my process for…

February 21, 2018

This is the first edition of the YouTube series I’m doing, reading Gift of the Shaper (doing the voices and everything!) It’s sort of a test run for the audiobook (which I plan to record myself eventually). So if you’re looking for something to do, dive on in!

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Days of the Dark (Book 3, draft) 100%
Days of the Dark (editing/rewrite) 100%
Air Dancer (draft) 10%

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