the wastes
December 13, 2018

The appeal of fiction Some might say, “What good are tales?” Tales, after all, are nothing more than words — and words, like the waters of the mighty Q’taha, disappear into the beyond.  But listen, my child: this is no wild story spun by mothers to lull their children to bed at night. No. This…

November 23, 2018

The words “When does the next book come out?” are a double-edged sword to a writer. While it means that people are really excited about your work, it also means that you’ll be hearing until you actually release your next book. So the most recent time I heard it, it got me thinking: what I…

November 16, 2018

Back again as promised! Progress on the audiobook is coming along smoothly, and I’ve already had to do a few re-recordings from when I lost the ability to read (I said “looked up at the stairs” instead of “at the stars”) or didn’t like how a character’s voice sounded. But John, my editor, is doing…

Upcoming Books

Days of the Dark (Book 3, draft) 100%
Days of the Dark (editing/rewrite) 100%
Air Dancer (draft) 10%

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